Waiting for the anvil to fall...
So I get sick... coughing up dark green crap...then I cough up blood, I take this as a bad sign and got the dr. I get told I have bacterial pneumonia (unfun)... so I get my Z-pack, take it, then about 3 hours later I get this shooting pain in my face, kinda like god drove a spike from my right eye down thru my jaw and tooth...Now I am generally pretty good at dealing with pain, not some macho bs, just how it is. This was pain on a level where I could barely move. My wonderful wife immediately takes me to the ER.... So on the way there, we are stopped at a stop light and BAM we get rear ended by 2 kids (we were all ok, and my wife is awesome).. I get to the ER and I get in fast, which is odd. The dr tells me I probably have some kind of dental infection, but they cannot do dental xrays (this kinda worries me as it is a hostpital), anyway they give me painkillers and more antibiotics and suggest some dental surgeons... as we are leaving the cop who was at the scene of the rear ending shows up, he was very nice, and well I was high as a kite from the meds and coming down from the adrenaline of the accident and the ER, anyway he is actually there to find me and let me know that the kid in the car said I kicked his car and might file charges... I will say that I got out and yelled at the kid, mainly from adrenaline and being in insane pain, but I actually felt bad about yelling at the kid... Then this morning I wake up to by cel phone being dead, like completely dead. Shit had better get better lol
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