java class

So this week I got to go to a 'intro to programing ' class. Turns out it was a java class, and there were only four of us. I have taken perl classes and others, and oddly this is the only class that made sense. Our teacher was awesome, but so were the others. java just seemed to make more sense. More structured. Anyway, i loved this class and actually learned shit.
The only down side is I was not able to ride for 3 days. After class i went and rode, and wow did I feel it. I hate taking days off from riding, feel like I am starting over, but tomorrow I will be better. In a previous post I drooled all over the Scott Ransom. Well in true Jim fashion I have found another bike... The Scott Spark 30 (at least its the same company). This bike seems a little more appropriate for me. It still has the rear shock control on the handlebars, AND I found out I can get front shock controls also. me like.
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